rental rates
Mietpreise pro Tag
Generell ist eine Mindestmietdauer von 3 Tagen erforderlich. In der Hochsaison ist es 1 Woche. Die angegebenen Preise verstehen sich pro Appartement und Tag mit maximal 2 Personen belegt und ohne Endreinigungsgebühr. Jede weitere Person wird mit 7 € pro Tag berechnet. Maximal sind 4 Personen in einem Appartement möglich.
Die Endreinigung beträgt pro Appartement 49 €
Appartement mit Schlafzimmer
• Nebensaison 45€
• Zwischensaison 59 €
• Hauptsaison 79 €
• Nebensaison 42 €
• Zwischensaison 49 €
• Hauptsaison 69 €
Angebotspreise für 1 Woche (7 Tage mit maximal 2 Personen, inkl. Endreinigung)
Appartement mit Schlafzimmer
• Nebensaison 349 €
• Zwischensaison 439 €
• Hauptsaison 569 €
• Nebensaison 329 €
• Zwischensaison 369 €
• Hauptsaison 499 €
Nebensaison (21.9. bis 30.4.)
Zwischensaison (1.5. bis 30.6. und 21.8. bis 20.9.)
Hauptsaison (1.7. bis 20.8.)
20% Anzahlung bei verbindlicher Buchung, der Restbetrag ist 3 Wochen vor Mietbeginn zu begleichen.
Überweisung bitte auf folgendes Konto:
Reiner Happach
IBAN: ES3221030233130030022705
Sämtliche Dinge, die sich in der Ferienwohnung, auf dem Balkon, der Terrasse, am Pool oder Grillplatz befinden, dürfen von den Gästen benutzt werden. Bitte gehen Sie mit der gesamten Einrichtung und dem Inventar sorgsam um und behandeln Sie das Mietobjekt pfleglich. Tragen Sie bitte auch Sorge dafür, dass auch Ihre Mitreisenden, die Mietbedingungen einhalten.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Geschirr nur im sauberen Zustand wieder in die Schränke eingeräumt wird, gleiches gilt auch für Besteck, Töpfe und Geräte, die Sie benutzt haben.
Tiere sind in unserer Ferienwohnung grundsätzlich nicht erlaubt.
Das Rauchen ist in unserer Ferienwohnung grundsätzlich nur im Freien gestattet! Bitte benutzen Sie einen Aschenbecher.
Sollte einmal etwas beschädigt werden, wird dies bei der Schlüsselübergabe besprochen. Ist der Schaden durch Eigenverschulden entstanden, ist er zu bezahlen.
Fenster und Türen sind beim Verlassen der Wohnung zu schließen. Bitte achten Sie beim Verlassen der Wohnung ebenfalls darauf, dass alles Licht und auch der Gasherd ausgeschaltet ist. Der Vermieter haftet nicht für Wertgegenstände des Mieters.
Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt, viel Spaß, Entspannung und Erholung. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gern zur Verfügung.
The general terms and conditions regulate the contractual relationship between the holiday guest/tenant and the landlord and are deemed to have been accepted with the booking or the acceptance of the booking confirmation.
The booking is made and is considered legally binding when the provider confirms the guest's booking request by telephone or in writing by post, e-mail and/or WhatsApp, SMS and thus accepts the booking (acceptance of application).
Contractual partners are the provider and the guest. If a third party has ordered for the guest, they are liable to the provider together with the guest as joint debtor for all obligations arising from this contract, provided that the provider has a corresponding declaration from the third party.
The guest is obliged to check the booking confirmation for accuracy. If the content of the booking confirmation differs from the booking request and the guest does not raise objections immediately, the content of the booking confirmation is deemed to be contractually agreed.
The reservation of the holiday apartment is legally binding upon receipt of the booking confirmation.
By booking the holiday apartment you accept our house rules and general terms and conditions.
In order for the booking to become effective, 20% of the total rental price must be paid within 7 days of receipt of the booking confirmation. The balance is to be paid no later than 3 weeks before the start of the rental period.
Please transfer to the following account: Reiner Happach, Unicaja
IBAN: ES5821030233150010016956, BIC: UCJAES2M
For bookings made within 21 days before the start of the booking, the total rental price is to be paid within 5 working days after receipt of the booking confirmation.
On the day of arrival, the apartment is available from 4 p.m. Should the arrival take place after 20:00, this must be agreed in advance.
On the day of departure, the apartment must be vacated by 10:00 a.m. Later departure times are possible after consultation.
The apartment must be left swept clean on the day of departure. (Rinse the dishes, empty the fridge, dispose of rubbish, put bed linen and towels in the bathroom).
The apartment is handed over by the landlord in a neat and clean condition with a complete inventory. If defects exist or occur during the rental period, the landlord must be informed immediately. The tenant is liable for damage caused by him to the rented property, the inventory and the communal facilities, e.g. broken dishes, damage to the floor or furniture. This also includes the cost of lost keys.
The inventory is to be treated gently and with care and is only intended to remain in the holiday apartment. The renter is also liable for the fault of his fellow travelers. Damages caused by force majeure are excluded from this. The contract can be terminated without notice if the holiday apartment is used in breach of contract, such as subletting, overcrowding, disturbing the peace of the house, etc., or if the full rental price is not paid. The rent already paid remains with the landlord.
The apartment may only be used by the persons listed in the booking. If the apartment is used by more people than agreed, a separate fee must be paid for them, which is determined in the rental price. In this case, the lessor also has the right to terminate the rental agreement without notice.
Subletting and letting of the apartment to third parties is not permitted. The rental contract may not be passed on to third parties.
The tenant agrees to the general terms and conditions of the holiday apartment at Finca Esperanza. The declaration of consent takes place with the booking or the acceptance of the booking confirmation.
In the event of violations of the terms and conditions, the landlord is entitled to terminate the tenancy immediately and without notice. There is no legal entitlement to repayment of the rent or compensation.
With regard to cancellation, we are guided by the legal regulations, which state that tenancies that are entered into over a short period of time can usually only be terminated extraordinarily for important reasons. (§ 542 II BGB)
In general, a cancellation is not possible. Of course we will try to find another tenant in such a case. If this succeeds in part or in full, the tenant will be reimbursed for services already rendered. In case of cancellation, the renter will always receive a full refund of the service fees.
In the event of cancellation by the landlord, as a result of force majeure or other unforeseeable circumstances (such as accident or illness of the host) as well as other circumstances beyond our control that make fulfillment impossible; liability is limited to the reimbursement of any advance payments. In the event of a justified withdrawal, the customer is not entitled to compensation - liability for travel and hotel costs is not accepted. If desired, the landlord will try to find another accommodation for the guest if he is not able to provide the promised holiday home, despite confirmation.
The landlord can withdraw from the contract after the start of the rental period without observing a deadline if the tenant disturbs other residents despite a warning or behaves in breach of contract to such an extent that the immediate cancellation of the rental contract is justified.
The landlord is liable within the scope of the duty of care for the proper provision of the rental property. Liability for any failures or disruptions in the water or power supply, as well as events and consequences of force majeure are hereby excluded.
Should one of the rental conditions described above be legally invalid, it will be replaced by a regulation that comes closest to the meaning. The other rental conditions remain unaffected and continue to apply.
· The customer agrees to the processing of his data insofar as this is within the scope of the purpose of the legal relationship.
· Pets are not allowed.
· Smoking is only allowed outside the living quarters.